Cytotec pills in Salmiya


We sell and deliver medical Cytotec abortion pills in Salmiya. A medical abortion or the "Abortion pill" is the popular name for using two medicines used to terminate an early pregnancy in Salmiya. Medical abortion pills specifically mifepristone abortion pill and misoprostol abortion pill are used one after the other to stop early pregnancy. Whatsapp/Call +27640211696

Early medical abortion in Salmiya, The treatment

The treatment will usually consist of one Mifegyne tablet containing 200mg of mifepristone. This acts by blocking the effects of progesterone, a hormone which is needed for pregnancy to continue.
This will be followed 0-48 hrs later by the insertion into the vagina, or inside the mouth , four tablets each containing 200µg of Cytotec misoprostol . This is a different type of hormone, a prostaglandin, that helps to expel the pregnancy. If the woman remains in hospital a second dose may be given if the woman has not passed the pregnancy sac within 4 hours.

Cytotec - misoprostol- and Mifepristone are illegal in Salmiya Kuwait !!!!!


Be Careful; No name doctors and fake clinics that you might stumble upon on the internet could be a serious risk to your health.
To contact english speaking certified gynecologist Dr. Joy and talk to her personally to get information on all examinations and procedures message on call +27 640211696 on Whatsapp.
Always make contact with your doctor, no matter the speciality, before travelling in for examination and procedures.
We are legal and safe abortion clinic in Salmiya for foreigners and licensed by the Ministry of Health.